If you have received a pink voucher from Fix.Adopt.Save, it will cover the cost of your pet's surgery itself. However, it's important to note that additional expenses like pain medication are not included.
The total cost of the procedure with the voucher will be $100.
Before we schedule the surgery, we require a pre-surgery exam for your pet. This exam is free, but we do ask for a $100 deposit to reserve the surgery time. The deposit will be added to your surgery bill.
The pre-surgery exam is an important step to ensure your pet's health and answer any questions you may have. The doctor will examine your pet thoroughly and discuss the surgery details with you.
Here's a breakdown of the costs:
*Surgery cost with voucher (includes pain medication and the cone): $100
*Pre-surgery exam: Free (non-refundable $100 deposit required to schedule)
*Additional expenses (microchip, etc.): Range from $13 to $49 each
El voucher rosa cubrirá el coste de la cirugía de tu mascota. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que los gastos adicionales como los analgésicos no están incluidos.
El costo total del trámite con el voucher será de $100.
Antes de programar la cirugía, requerimos un examen previo a la cirugía para su mascota. Este examen es gratuito, pero solicitamos un depósito de $100 para reservar el tiempo de la cirugía. El depósito se agregará a la factura de su cirugía.
El examen prequirúrgico es un paso importante para garantizar la salud de tu mascota y resolver cualquier duda que puedas tener. El médico examinará minuciosamente a su mascota y discutirá con usted los detalles de la cirugía.
Aquí hay un desglose de los costos:
*Costo de la cirugía con voucher (incluye analgésico y el cono): $100
*Examen previo a la cirugía: Gratis (se requiere un depósito no reembolsable de $100 para programar)
*Gastos adicionales (microchip, etc.): Rango de $13 a $49 cada uno
We partner with Fix.Adopt.Save., a collaborative initiative working to decrease pet homelessness in Maricopa County. Fix.Adopt.Save. brings together seven local animal welfare organizations, led by the Alliance for Companion Animals. Their mission is to promote and increase adoptions, fostering, and access to spay/neuter services while raising awareness about the rising number of homeless pets.
Informational handout on the voucher program.
Folleto informativo sobre el programa de vouchers.